
Message from Sakokwenionkwas Tom Porter for Fall Equinox September 2023

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Sakokwenionkwas Tom Porter wanted us to tell you that sometime ago he received a vision from the Spirit of the Earth, our Great Mother. She told him that She was becoming very tired and asked if he would tell the people that during the coming equinox, on Saturday September 23, if they would take the day to send a special prayer of love and healing for Her, that She may be restrengthened and renewed, and that She be acknowledged for all that She has done and continues to do for us all. He asked that in our own way that people honour and thank Her for the gifts that She continues to provide to All Life. This was the vision and the message from our great friend, teacher, and brother Tom Porter.


For Ceremony. For Life: New Position at Anishnawbe Health is helping preserve Traditional Healing Practices for the Future

Cindy started her work at Anishnawbe Health Toronto in July 2022 as the Traditional Policy Analyst, a two-day per week position funded by generous donor support. However, her journey into medicine began many years ago when she attended the State University of New York at Plattsburgh where she studied nursing and received a Bachelor of Science degree. After meeting her teacher, Diane Longboat, Cindy did not stay in nursing long. Cindy explains, “I didn’t grow up in a Traditional family. I came about it in middle age and have been doing ceremonial work for almost 30 years now. I started as an Osh-ka-be-wis because I really wanted to learn.” Cindy currently lives at the Six Nations Grand River Territory in Southern Ontario, Canada, where she is also a Spiritual and Ceremonial Leader. According to Cindy, Spiritual Training requires that one is engaged in one’s own healing. A central belief also held by Anishnawbe Health and is one of its teachings: “we are all responsible for our personal health, wellness, and healing.” For more details, please click…


Lacrosse Team Visits

In early August, the Haudenosaunee Nationals U21 Lacrosse team visited Soul of the Mother before leaving for the 2022 World Lacrosse U21 games in Ireland!

Opportunities To Donate Upcoming Events

Covenant of Nations, new dates coming

We are planning a special ceremony in Onondaga Nation to heal the relationship between the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Anishinaabeg Nation. Our spiritual leaders will meet to renew their pre-colonial relationships of respect, friendship, and peace. The healing of the Earth and the healing of the US and Canadian governments along with healing the relationships of Indigenous Nations on Turtle Island depend on its successful outcome.

This landing page has links to Go Fund Me buttons in both Canadian and US dollars. There is a 5 minute Wampum Renewal video and a Teaser.